Housecleaning Services

Here you’ll find information about my Housecleaning Standard and Specialty Cleans. Still have questions? Just email me at or text me at (707) 367-7687 and I’ll be happy to answer them for you.

Standard Clean

Standard Cleans include cleaning kitchen counters, stove tops, microwave ovens, loading and unloading the dishwasher, cleaning the sink, sanitizing the bathroom, making beds, dusting knick-knacks, furniture and high touch areas, sweeping and mopping or vacuuming floors and more! Email me at @helpfulhousecleaner for a complete list.

Specialty Cleans

I offer these additional services by request on a case by case basis. Some items have an additional charge.

Specialty Cleans include cleaning out the refrigerator, organizing cupboards, laundry, oven cleaning, handwashing dishes, and other services. Email me at @helpfulhousecleaner for a complete list.

Special Requests

Still don’t see what you need? Contact me at my email and we can discuss Special Requests.

Cleaning Gift Certificates

Cleaning Gift Certificates are available on request.